Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Nice to know

The water tank has long been a mystery to me.  It's supposed to have a 110 gallon capacity, but it has never seemed like the tanks hold that much.  I decided to test that perception: I used a hose to fill a five gallon bucket with a stop watch and figured out the rate of fill, then I timed how long it takes to fill the tanks.  By my calculation the tanks held  about 40 gallons.  Today I set out to figure out why.

My first guess was that the vent was clogged.  A clogged vent, I reasoned, would trap air in the tank, leaving less room for water.  I followed the vent hose down to the tank, disconnected it and blew through the vent to find that it was working properly.

Then I opened up the access port of the upper tank (65 gallons) and found it had a couple of inches of water in it when it should have been empty - a clue!

I'd never set eyes on the lower tank, because it requires removing the saloon table and floorboards, but that didn't turn out to be too tough.  When I had the tank exposed, the placard offered another clue:  the tank holds forty gallons.  The hose that fills the lower tank comes in from the deck filler, and tees to the upper tank.  I followed that hose up under he nav station drawers, already sensing what I would find:  A closed valve.

In order to fill all 110 gallons and use 110 gallons, there is a valve that must be open.  Nice to know.